Orac mourns the loss of its founder, Guy Taillieu

On Christmas Day 2022, Guy Taillieu passed away at the age of 76.

In 1970, together with his wife Martine Lauwers (†), he founded the Ostend Research and Application Company - Orac for short. As a 24-year-old, he saw the opportunity to translate the scientific breakthroughs with new materials, mainly polyurethane, into products that opened new routes to market. Even more than a strong business plan, his determination and a clear dream were the main drivers that encouraged him to take a leap into the unknown.

In the early years, Orac developed products for the furniture and advertising sector. The young entrepreneur soon saw many opportunities for high-tech materials in the decoration sector. The first years were tough. The technology was not fully ready, there were no financial resources and the market was not yet receptive to the innovative ideas of the young entrepreneur. However, with perseverance, Guy gradually conquered the world. The breakthrough came in the 1990s and the company started to grow rapidly.

Guy was very hands-on and developed products himself, maintained relationships with technological partners and travelled around the world to passionately spread the Orac story.

In addition to working hard on growing his fledgling company, he has also committed himself to working locally. In 1998 – 2004 he stepped in charge of the local trade chamber (Chamber of Commerce Ostend). He brought six West Flemish chambers together in order to be ready for the future with one strong organization (VOKA West Flanders). In addition, he was a driving force to support different charities, among others, the King Baudouin Foundation and the Friends of Ibis.

Guy has 2 children, Laurence and Yves, who are both active in the family business. In 2006, at the age of 60, he passed on the operational management of the company. In 2012, the entire company was left in the capable hands of the next generation. However, Guy remained an active ambassador and inspirer of 'his' Orac.

His greatest pleasure? Celebrating an achievement at the company with colleagues, children and grandchildren, and already thinking ahead to the next challenge.

Today Orac has offices in 10 countries. 440 proud Oracians continue Guy's story with great passion.

Condolences can be sent to the family via this link: https://condoleances.be/guytaillieu

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  • قابلة للطلاء
  • سهلة التركيب
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